Monday, February 7, 2011

So far

Spring Festival = Chinese New Year

Lots of fireworks the last few days. They go through the whole night with no hours of respite, even at times like 3 AM. They know when you're sleeping, and then BAM!!!

I went sight seeing with a friend from another city. It was nice. Watched a bit of a TV series called 'Taken', it's kinda like Steven Spielberg getting things right instead of flopping so horribly like he did when he made the 'Close Encounters of the _____ Kind' series.

Be sure to watch 'Eat Love Pray', it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. What makes it special is the philosophy and the life lessons in the movie.

For this week, I asked myself philosophical questions like, "What is love, really?" Could it be like an eight year old kid that loves his alcohol addicted loser-dad that never even makes time for him? Is it that moment when you hear someone go "mmh" during a kiss and then you just want to kiss them forever or more deeply than ever because that simply drove you nuts?

No kisses during my Spring Festival. That might have been a good thing. I'm confused, and a part of me doesn't want to be more confused than I already am. I'm not sure what's right for me to do. Being alone feels safe. A lot of people tell me that I should have a girlfriend (I hear this regularly). I think maybe I shouldn't. And that's that. It's just not a particularly good idea unless there's some reason that makes it a good idea to begin with.

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