Rpgreseller was too big, and getting too many visitors and kept overloading the SQL server with queries that took too much processing time to complete... so I needed to find a new host. Our lead tech offered his VPS server. It's having some issues due to only having 16gb hdd, and the DNS repoint is taking forever.
I could potentially delete all the old posts, but that's what brings the traffic.
Dilemma. Might need to use paid hosting instead.
The road to hell and hardship is paved with good intentions.
Yeah, I'm a geek. I talk about stuff that most people wouldn't really have a clue what I'm saying.
If you read this far, congratulations.
It's three days in now. And I can't post anything. I can't share the benefits of my work and knowledge with the world. Stuff is backing up in my inbox as I send reminders of business guides, presentations, etc., that I want to share. That's what I really wanted to post about, but there's technical reasons and I hate it when people ask for the reasons because they usually don't understand, but here it is anyway. Now you know the technical stuff that didn't even interest you in the first place. Next time, don't ask. Just listen, then I can skip to the meaningful part: I can't share anything right now and it's bugging me.
So tonight, I think I'll try using my blog.
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