Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan - Big ol earthquake and tsunami

I never felt it, but the Earthquake and Tsunami were really something. I was aware of it within a few hours
because of a site on the internet. I'm surprised that Hawaii was such as mess considering that they had several
hours of awareness.

It seems to me that there must be some kind of big failure in infrastructure if death and terror is 6 hours away in a different country, and everyone in your own country (at least in the path of danger) doesn't get an online notification within minutes.

I saw a picture of an airport where none of the cars had been moved out of the way, etc. Real messy looking.

I believe in the future, countries will begin coordinating their emergency response systems online. It will save so many lives. I wondered at the idea of suggesting that the Microsoft corporation begin to integrate ecological disaster warning systems that function by geography. I think that't the kind of idea that might get listened to.

Windows updates itself, why not warn me of imminent danger?

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