Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Innocence lost

People say when one gains carnal knowlege, that they are no longer innocent.
I think that's one of those sayings which is completely off the mark, and is perpetuated because if you don't really think about it, you just might find that is'very easy to just agree with.

"When live gives you lemons, make lemonade." - Easy to agree with, but try telling that to someone who just lost their spouse to something tragic. There's no wisdom in it then. It certainly isn't universal, but it didn't contain the necessary context and limitations to make it so.

How much of our lives do we believe certain things that aren't universal, taking them as some universal article of faith?

So let's revisit "innocence lost", that one bugs me.

It isn't lost. However, knowledge is gained. There's this idea that once someone knows sex, they have to become an incurable sex maniac. Their innocence is lost, and they will try to sleep with every neighbor's wife, and begin seducing young children like a predator (or a Catholic priest). Obviously, the whole thing is grossly out of context.

Innocence isn't lost unless you're talking Adam and Eve and you believe that 99% of all sex is a sin. In that case, yeah it might be lost. Once Little Johnny learns to masturbate, that game is over and he'll be a sinner for the rest of his life, because... it's human nature, and it's awfully gooooood.

Innocence lost... For me, I recently had a connected experience, that's why this has been buzzing in my mind. I happened to have sex with 'the fantasy girl'. The one who has a figure that belongs on a three page foldout, and is a master and lover of 'sin', if you'll call anything sexy a sin. My entire life, my mind had told me that the sexier someone is, the better it'll be. What I learned is that sex is sex, and the mind lies about that one.

Innocence lost? I do feel a little guilty for what amounts to a one night stand. Guild passes. The whole innocence lost thing revolves around a change in behavior, how will my behavior change?

Well, like I said, the mind lies about "sexy is better sex". If anything, this would improve my fidelity to anyone that I am ever with because I know that if some gorgeous figure flashes her tits and tries to allure me with the perfect body, and... everything else that goes with the sexiest woman imaginable.... well, they'll get turned down because sex is sex is sex, and a rose is a rose is a rose. The greatest illusion I ever believed in was that sexiness is better sex or different sex. It's absolutely the same. That's the real story of this post. Sexiness is a bit of an illusion.

Innocence isn't gained or lost by knowing or not knowing anything... unless you're a religious nut job.

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