Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dumbing Down of America

Interview with the author (watch the full thing).

Some very powerful statements.

The new world order doesn't want children to be creative, well educated, or critical thinking.
  • Corporations want employees that are 'school to work', and have no skills or options, just do the work and quit job hoping so much.
  • Goverment wants citizens that don't question authority, and don't question what is best for them. They want non-thinking followers.

For several hundred years, there has been gradualism in the educational system, and movement toward 'regionalism' in government where what is good for an individual or a city does not matter. Wealth of well to do cities will be flattened out and distributed to other cities. Wealth of rich nations... yeah, that's happening too.

Regionalism is 'collectivism', is communism. Both capitalism and communism have a dark side. I fear that the dark side of America will make other dark times seem very small in magnitude.